Saturday, 6 February 2010

[Birdcall] CLWYD

CLWYD Great Grey Shrike Clocaenog Forest 3.15pm 500m E.of Craig-bron-Banog mast on wires but mobile + elusive, Crossbill in pine on approach track 2.30pm.
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Tuesday, 2 February 2010


GLAM Great White Egret. NE of Cardiff, 10.20am at Hendre Lake in flight + Bittern. 3ad Med Gulls Porthcawl

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.


NORF RlBuzzard Chedgrave Marsh 1.55pm, pk past Waveney Forest c/pk at end of New Rd & walk W.past Forest Lodge cottage to edge of forest TG461012.

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.


HANTS White Stork. Havant, unconfirmed report on roof on Wilverley Avenue 1.30-1.45pm only.

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.


LOND Great White Egret. Isleworth, over at 12.55pm.

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.


N.YKS f.Blk-thr Thrush W.of Whitby, Newholm. pk Village Hall & down 2nd no thru rd downhill from Beehive Pub to gdn with feeders NZ868106.

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.


H/LAND Little Bunting. 8ml E.of Thurso, in gdn at Dunnet, no extra details.

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.


CUMB juv Rose-col Starling. Kendal, am 500m SE of railway bridge S.of A684 Castle Green Rd in from gdn of 8 Rusland Park.

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.


CORN 1+ Cattle Egret. 3ml SE of Truro, W.of Tresillian River in flds from f/pth S.of Tresemple Pond + 2 AvocetSW852442.

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.


HANTS ad Ring-billed Gull. Gosport, 12.45pm at Walpole Park boating lake, use South Street P&D c/pk SZ618996.

BIRDNEWS UNLIMITED £15pa - ALL the BirdCall Services ONE price!
Why pay more?!!

$ Phone in Bird News 01925 730775
Thanks to RBA Pagers for reciprocal news feeds.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

[Birdcall] CHESH

CHESH Brambling Moore NR late a/noon at Pond Wood feeding station, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker drumming by Lapwing Lane, Little Owl on roof of 'ranch house'.
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